Business Class Web Hosting Voiceasia’s dedication to excellence has placed us in the top position of shared hosting companies. Voiceasia utilizes the latest in server and server room technology to insure our customer’s uptime and website speed isn’t compromised. Voiceasia is reliable and trustworthy, knowledgable and helpful as well as innovative and stable.
EmailVoiceasiat’s website hosting accounts also come with reliable, easy-to-use email accounts. Set up domain name unique email addresses that can be used within an email client such as Outlook, Outlook Express and Thunderbird or as webmail. Voiceasia offers mail forwarding, anti-SPAM software and mailing lists. Each email account is secure and are effective for personal email accounts, or corporate email services.
Support International Domain Names
POP3/POP3 Secure E-mail Support
IMAP/Secure IMAP E-mail Support
IMAP/Secure IMAP E-mail Support
UNLIMITED GB of Site Transfer
Add-on Domains
Parked Domains
cPanel Account Control Panel
FTP Access
Override .htaccess Support
MySQL Databases
E-Commerce Features
Multimedia Features