With VOICEASIA, you’ll always have eyes on your network. When something goes wrong, we generate automated alerts
via email, pager (yes, people still have those) and SMS. We also follow up any critical alerts with a phone call from an
actual NOC engineer located here in the United States. and South Korea
For typical network devices, we monitor a standard set of metrics which include link status, bandwidth utilization, errors and packets.
Other popular metrics include CPU utilization, memory and power supplies.
On UPS equipment and Generators, we typically monitor metrics like power levels (input/output), battery status,
time remaining, standby status, transfer switches, etc. Some generators, or connected contact-closure devices, can even report
on fuel level, running time, oil pressure and more. We also monitor environmental information like temperature,
humidity, water, airflow and more.
We support processing of SNMP traps and syslog messages generated by monitored network equipment.
Our flexible, rules-based processing engine allows us to specify the severity of events at the moment they’re received,
and generate emails, SMS, pages or phone calls to your staff from our 24/7 NOC. Rules may even be time-based or count-based, so
we’ll only alert, for example, when X events are received within Y minutes.