he point-to-point wireless topology (also called P2P) is the simplest network architecture you can set up in order to connect two locations using a wireless radio link. Point-to-point wireless links can go from a short-range link connecting two locations just a few hundreds meters apart to a long range point-to-point wireless link that connects two locations tens of miles away from each other. In a point to-point-wireless link, distance is affected by the height of each Ethernet radio device, the frequency used, the power level, and environmental interference.
Point-to-point wireless links are often used for telecom, security and networking applications. In the telecom space, point-to-point wireless links are deployed to backhaul cellular base stations. Cellular backhauls typically employ licensed spectrum and high capacity long-range point-to-point microwave links. However, with the widespread deployment of small cells, license-free, long-range point-to-point wireless links are being used more and more often, particularly in rural areas where interference is not a significant concern.
In security and public safety projects, point-to-point outdoor wireless connections are deployed to backhaul outdoor wireless video-surveillance systems. The video streams coming from outdoor field cameras are collected using a point-to multipoint wireless network to a central location, often located on a high point (e.g., a tall building or a mountaintop). From this central location, all the video streams are transmitted over an outdoor point-to-point wireless link to the control room.
In wireless networking applications, two buildings can be interconnected using a point-to- point wireless Ethernet connection and two IP Ethernet networks can be therefore interconnected without trenching the area. This point-to-point wireless Ethernet solution is very often used in campus environments or to connect two buildings owned by the same organisation sitting on two different sides of a street, railway, or river.
Point-to-point wireless links are usually deployed between two locations that are in clear line of sight (LOS) with each other in other to maximise the performance of the wireless link. For point-to-point wireless links working in the license free 5 GHz band (for example in the 5.8 GHz or 5.4 GHz license-free bands) or in the 4.9 GHz public safety band we suggest to deploy the link in clear ling of sight (LOS) because, above 2.4 GHz, line of sight (LOS) operations provide a much more reliable wireless link. Point to point wireless link at frequencies around 900 MHz or in the UHF band (400 MHz) can work reliably in near line of sight (NLOS) or in non line of sight conditions (NLOS point to point wireless links).
VOICEASIA Networks provides multiple point-to-point wireless Ethernet solutions operating both in license-free and licensed-spectrum